

  • Garlic
  • Jalepeno
  • Cilantro
  • Green Onion
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Lemon juice
  • Sugar (just a pinch)
  • Salt
  • Tortilla chips to serve


  1. Mince garlic and add to a bowl.
  2. Mince jalepeno and add to the bowl.
  3. Finely chop cilantro and add to the bowl.
  4. Finely chop green onions and add to the bowl.
  5. Dice tomatoes and add to the bowl.
  6. Dice bell peppers and add to the bowl.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly to make sure everything is distributed evenly.
  8. Squeeze a lemon into the bowl and mix again.
  9. Add sugar and mix again.
  10. Season with salt to taste.
  11. Let sit in the fridge for at least an hour.
  12. Serve with tortilla chips for scooping.


This recipe is written as if you are hand chopping everything but I cannot recommend enough making this in a food processer. Salsa is probably what I use my food processor for the most. It's just so much easier and faster in the food processor.

I don't deseed my jalapenos. Jalapenos are pretty variable on how spicy they can be and I don't mind a kick of heat. If you want less spicy then you should deseed your jalapenos (wear gloves and avoid touching your face, especially around your eyes, after handling any spicy peppers). If you want more spicy use multiple Jalapenos or a spicier pepper. I like to throw my jalapeno in the food processor, mince, and then inhale. If the fumes tickle the back of my throat enough to make me cough or sneeze then thats probably a good spicy level.

The sugar is to help cut through the acidity of the tomatoes and lemon juice. No need to panic if you forget it, your salsa will still be delicious.

If you're anything like me, waiting an hour for the salsa is the longest hour of your life, but trust me, do it. Salsa is absolutely and always something that gets better after it sits for a while. The amount of times I have made salsa, sampled it immediately to check if I need more salt and said to myself "not my best work" and then sampled it again after it sat for an hour and had my mind absolutely blown by how much better it is equal to the amount of times I have made salsa. It happens every time.

No measurements or quantities on this, its all up to you and your taste. For a general guidline I usually use 3 or 4 cloves of garlic, enough jalapeno to make me sneeze, a whole bunch of cilantro, half a bunch of green onions, 1-2 bell peppers, enough tomatoes to fill the bowl/food processor almost all the way to the top, 1-2 lemons, just a pinch of sugar, and salt until it tastes like food instead of a bowl of raw veg.