Stuffed Peppers


  • 4 Bell peppers
  • 1 lb Ground beef
  • 1 cup Rice
  • 16 oz Tomato sauce or puree
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 Onion diced
  • Garlic minced
  • Shredded Mozzerella cheese
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees (F)
  2. Cut the tops off the bell peppers and pull out the seeds and cut the stem out of the top.
  3. Cook 1 cup of rice.
  4. While the rice is cooking, heat skillet over medium heat and pour enough oil to cover the bottom.
  5. Add onion to the skillet and cook until it just starts to become translucent.
  6. Add garlic to the skillet and cook for another 30 seconds.
  7. Add ground beef to the skillet and pour in all the seasonings, make sure to stir well while cooking so the seasonings are evenly distributed.
  8. Once both the rice and ground beef are cooked mix them together. Make sure to drain the beef off if there is too much grease in the pan.
  9. Mix in the the tomato sauce/puree to the beef and rice mixure, making sure to stir so so everything is fully incoporated.
  10. Layer shredded cheese and the beef and rice mixture inside each pepper. Once the peppers are full place the tops back on and sprinkle some cheese on top.
  11. Cook in an oven safe pan in the oven for 20-40 minutes depending on how soft or crunchy you want the pepper to be.


I use mozzerella usually because of the cheesy stretch, but any cheese you like will do, or no cheese at all.

I usually over stuff my peppers a little bit before putting the tops on and still wind up with a little extra filling. I like to do mine in batches of 4 because they usually fit cleanly into whatever pan I cook them in, but peppers have such a big size range, adjust for your batch size and pepper size.